
#Java Mybatis 教程

之前我们使用了xml映射文件配置SQL语句。另一个方案是通过注解(Annotation)。还一个方案是XML和注解结合。注解看起来更方便,但在复杂的SQL上表现力不如 XML。

本节示例代码在 mybatis-demo-015




使用 IDEA 创建 gradle 项目,最终结构如下:


在 UserMapper 接口中增加方法,并添加注解

package mapper;

import bean.User;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.*;

import java.util.Map;

public interface UserMapper {

     * 根据 id 查询用户
    @Select("select * from blog_db.user where id=#{id}")
    User findById(Long id);

     * 下面的函数都是根据 name 和 password 查询用户

    @Select("select * from blog_db.user where name=#{param1} and password=#{param2}")
                    @Result(id = true, column = "id", property = "id"),
                    @Result(column = "name", property = "name"),
                    @Result(column = "email", property = "email"),
                    @Result(column = "password", property = "password")
    User findByNameAndPasswordV1(String name, String password);

    User findByNameAndPasswordV2(@Param("username") String name, @Param("password") String password);

    @Select("select * from blog_db.user where name=#{username} and password=#{password}")
    User findByNameAndPasswordV3(Map<String,Object> data);

    @Select("select * from blog_db.user where name=#{param1.username} and password=#{param2}")
    User findByNameAndPasswordV4(Map<String,Object> data, String password);

    @Select("select * from blog_db.user where name=#{data.username} and password=#{password}")
    User findByNameAndPasswordV5(@Param("data") Map<String,Object> data, @Param("password") String password);

    @Select("select * from blog_db.user where name=#{name} and password=#{password}")
    User findByNameAndPasswordV6(User user);

    @Select("select * from blog_db.user where name=#{user.name} and password=#{user.password}")
    User findByNameAndPasswordV7(@Param("user") User user);

     * 插入用户
     * @param user
    @Insert("insert into blog_db.user (name, email, password) VALUES (#{name}, #{email}, #{password})")
    @Options(useGeneratedKeys=true, keyProperty="id")
    void insertUser(User user);


findByNameAndPasswordV2方法并没有加注解,在 UserMapper.xml 中有映射的SQL配置:

<select id="findByNameAndPasswordV2" resultType="bean.User">
    select * from blog_db.user where name=#{username} and password=#{password}


在 Main 中编写示例:

public void test_findById() throws IOException {
    try ( SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession() ) {
        UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
        User user = userMapper.findById(1L);
        log.info("{}", user);

private SqlSession getSqlSession() throws IOException {
    SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory;
    sessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder()
    return sessionFactory.openSession();


 INFO [main] - User(id=1, name=letian, email=letian@111.com, password=123)

更多示例见 Main 类代码。

( 本文完 )