在 1.44 中被标注为废弃,1.47 被移除。考虑使用 https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOR 代替。
https://jmockit.github.io/changes.html :
Removed the Deencapsulation class, previously deprecated.
Deprecated the Deencapsulation class (which now only contains getField methods).
Removed the Deencapsulation.setField methods, which were deprecated in version 1.44.
Deprecated the Deencapsulation.setField methods, in favor of @Tested and @Injectable.
Removed the "invoke" and "newInstance" methods from the Deencapsulation class, deprecated in version 1.35.
Deprecated the "invoke" and "newInstance" methods from the Deencapsulation class. These are simple Reflection-backed convenience methods, which are no longer useful in the overall context of JMockit APIs.
Removed all Reflection-based utility methods from the Invocations class (the base for Expectations and Verifications), in favor of using the static methods of identical signatures in the Deencapsulation class. This change in the API will not require any changes to test code, except that test classes using these methods should now include the following "static import": import static mockit.Deencapsulation.*;